
迷信 superstition

看看這升降機裏的樓層,有某一些改了,取代的是3A, 12A, 12B和23A。看來跟


Call it avoiding the misfortune, or welcoming your wealth, floors in highrises in China could go missing in action. Take the one photographed above or 39 Conduit Road in Hong Kong. In the latter, floors "jump" from 12 to 15, 23 to 25, 33 to 35, 39 to 60, 63 to 66 to 68 to 88. Can it be more confusing than that? Don't joke about it should fire broke out, whether the firefigthers can locate the right floors could be a real challenge!

By the way, can you guess what city is the building photographed located, given the missing floors?

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