
世界愛滋病日 World AIDS Day

Le communiqué par deux organismes promouvant les droits de travailleurs du sexe nous dirige vers un des problèmes à Hong Kong avec la police et le système judiciaire. Les médias, autrement, étaient silencieux sauf un reportage sur les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes ont encore une prévalence de VIH plus élevé que d'autres groupes.

Les liens pour les textes dans la version anglaise qui suit.

又到十二月,它的第一天是每年的愛滋病日。今年我在香港的媒體只是談到男男性接觸者的感染率持續偏高以外,沒大的新意。然而兩個性工作者權益團體紫藤午夜藍發表的新聞稿: 有關停止把安全套成為呈堂証據的公開要求倒值得看看。



1st December is World AIDS Day. Mainstream media reports in Hong Kong were few and far from front page on this day. Some newspapers ran a piece on continued high HIV prevalence in men who have sex with men (MSM). They did not report on a press release by Zi Teng and Midnight Blue, advocacy groups for sex workers. Their
A Declaration of Stopping the Use of Condoms as evidence in court
touched directly on in public health terms a harm reduction issue. Given the fact the judicial system and the police continue to use condoms as incriminating evidence of sex trade, people will resend outreach workers giving them condoms, for fear that would haunt them if they get caught by the police. Read the full press release or click here.

On a separate note, the aging Dr. Gao Yaojie had to have her book's press conference OUTSIDE of China sent another alarming signal about how China is handling this epidemic. Transpency still has a lot of room for self-improvement there.

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