
可恥... 氣候變化峰會disgrace at COP 15


另一方面,加拿大的在COP 15 表現強差人意也談不上,而是不負責任。雪上加霜的是一個非常厲害的笑話
agenda 2020。 可惜沒法做得到,要不然這玩笑里的要求還是不錯的

Shame Canada!
I am usually proud of my adoptive country, but not when the Canadian government is hiding behind the United States of ASSes' derrière when they set the (close to nothing) target of reduction of green house gases. None of the major papers from US of Asses' signed on to the joint editorial spearheaded by the guardian, of which there were more than 50 cosigners. Isn't that some defacto tell-tale sign of how (un) progressive a country is?

A dismal 15% 10% 5%? whatever! Just shameful! No more distinguishing the gentile, polite Canadians. We are as nasty as the yankees, seriously. Can't really blame the international opinion when the Canadian government represents us irresponsibly internationally. And they deserved to be pranked! Actually the criteria set in the hoax would have been concrete and nice.

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