
第三巴士No.3 bus

No, i am not talking about the bus route, but the bus company in Guangzhou (or Canton). It was refreshing, though in a mischievous kinda way that I was happy to note that the bus company used 巴士 "ba shi" instead of 公交 "gongjiao" because that was evidently a nod to the anglicism infiltrated into the local Cantonese dialect. One might wonder why I want to see "bad" Chinese usage of ba shi, buit I can tell you if that's the public concensus which shaped this expression, why not? It also enriches the Chinese vocabulary.



Aaron Fowles said...

It's always good to see English infiltrating every nook and cranny of the world, no? France has fought such infiltration and, of course, lost.

Asian Guy said...

haha is that from an ESL teacher's perspective? On the other hand, wouldn't that make learning English very difficult since it absorbed or has been infiltrated by so many foreign words?

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