
58度C vs 85度C

Looking at brand names in China brings you various business case studies. One case in point I blogged elsewhere on BMW and its illegitimate cousin.

然而往廣州和上海跑了一趟後,再發現有兩個不同的溫度:58度C 和 85度C。我想這不是甚麼物理化學的三相點,但這兩間公司名字的相似和他們的臺灣背景增加我對它們的好奇心。
58的涼茶只是一般,85的甜點(如西米布丁rice pudding、巧克力餅乾chocolate cookies)真的很有水準,還有熱奶茶也挺不錯,特別是在寒冷的一月份,我一星期裏喝了不少杯啊! 我差一點忘記,85度C的麵包店開二十四小時呢!

After visiting Guangzhou in June and Shanghai in January 2009 respectively, I had the amazing time to spot and frequent another pair of business "relatives". Herbal tea at 58C was mediocre. The desserts and "milk" tea at 85C were quite impressive, given their competitive pricing by the latter targeting Starbucks. Another plus, 85C open 24/7, a testament to the first cosmopolitan status of Shanghai in China? In terms of the invisible hands behind, both 58C and 85C seem to have Taiwanese influence. These numbers may be so mystic that we have to buy lotto playing with their permutations!

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