






婆婆 Grand-mère


慈祥、和藹可親、從不發脾氣。。。。。。一連串正面的形容詞絡繹不絕浮現腦海中。婆婆在我兒時記憶中大部分時間住在山谷道邨,那是跟從前牛頭角同年代、但結構像後石硤尾邨年代的“H”型樓。(H中間的“一橫”是住戶公用廁所)。農曆年初一多半是她的兒孫:舅父、亞姨、姨媽家和我們家等等聚在一起回巢的日子。八十年代那居高臨下、無敵海景的維港煙花,那龐大而緩緩升降的電梯、地下的小商店、愛民邨的大排檔和用表哥那綠色monitor第一代的IBM clone PC“打遊戲機”等等不少的美好回憶,也跟婆婆和姨媽家十年前的搬遷和山谷道邨拆卸而成為歷史。姨媽早幾個月前登極樂,政府2010年六月把山谷道邨地盤變豪宅地賣掉,婆婆於數日後仙遊;緩慢的歷史巨輪彷彿突然加速,啊我童年的獅子山下印象,只能零碎地在心中尋找。

So officially both of my parents are orphans now after the passing of my maternal grandmother. Yes, it is weird to commence this posting in such a way, but that's one of the first mental reflections to the news.

To be fair, she and my step paternal grandmother were the only two granparents whom I was fortunately enough to spend time with. My paternal grandmother was killed during the bombing of Hong Kong in Second World War. My granfathers both passed away before I was born. I think both my grandmothers had difficult young adult life, though their lives were improved even before I was born.

Valley Road Estate was the anchor point for much of my childhood memories of maternal grandma. Ironically, that plot of land of the former housing estate was sold at an astronomical price to a real estate developer for construction of an expensive residential complex, just a few days before my grandma's passing. Nostalgia, of course of the extended family gatherings at grandmas, with uncles and aunts teasing me never want to leave my parents and to stay at my grandma's even for a night, versus my subsequent departure from Hong Kong and my parents for almost 2 decades. Also, were the spectacular images, as well as thundering explosions of Chinese new year fireworks at the end of the corridor, FREE OF CHARGE and OBSTRUCTION FREE, on the very top 11th floor of the humble Low Cost Housing Estate building. Time is unforgiving, burying grandma and these good memories as she was three year short of being a centenarian.


騎樓 & urban renewal


"kei lau" are low-rises popular but not limited in Guangdong provinces where the covered walkway underneath shield passers-by from rain and sun while providing a customer-friendly store front on the ground floor. These buildings are rapidly disappearing due to gentrification and (over)developing, be it Canton(Guangzhou) or Hong Kong.

If It Works, Don't Fix It! Actually, if you are the Urban Renewl Authority (of Hong Kong), you should! However, the "fix" should ONLY be helping the existing landlords and tenents, rather than stealing from them and feeding the levelled plots of land to real estate developers. Haven't you heard of Décroissance from the radical Frenchies? Une terre si densément peuplée comme Hong Kong n'a pas besoin de développement. Comment renouveler ou régénérer les structures en voie de veillissement devrait être la priorité. Les gratte-ciel monstrueux qui coupent la circulation de l'air et les réseaux communautaires, NON, ne pas les rajouter SVP.



六四 廿一 後記

我二十一年來的第二次參加的六四聚會(去年是第一次,因我八九年十月離港後很少於夏天在港)。去年我是下午急急的坐動車組從廣州回來,入場是已經很晚。這回有點空閒時間,於是從記利佐治街 行人專用區進入。路上滿是街頭藝術家的表演藝術。血、六四等是重複的主題。不少人也和我一樣拍了照片,希望民眾的行動和反思不此是停留在“留下紀念”的層面上。

La deuxième fois dans 21 ans que j'ai occasion de participer la commémoration du massacre à Carré Tiananmen le 4 juin 1989 où des milliers d'étudiants, de travaillers, de concitoyens ont perdu leurs vies aux feux de l'armé chinoise. Comme j'avais un peu de temps supplémentaire cette année, je me suis promenadé sur Great George Street. Cette zone piétonnière a été prise par les artistes dan la rue qui l'ont transformé aux théâtres en plein air. Le seul endroit en Chine continentale où on peut manifester ouvertement bien que les pressions politiques ne cessent à menacer la liberté civile. Une goutte de confort dedans le dessert - la présence de participants était la plus forte que jamais pendant cette histoire de 21 ans.

你能忘記站在坦克前的無名英雄嗎? 還有扶持死傷者的人?
Can you ever forget the man standing in front a roll of tanks? Or those who carried the dead or wounded on their shoulders?

天安門母親 The Tiananmen mothers

民主女神像 Goddess of democracy

我們不應忘記 we should never forget

血染六四(三之一)bloody June 4th (1 of 3)

血染六四(三之二) bloody June 4th (2 of 3)

血染六四(三之三)bloody June 4th (3 of 3)

death certificate 死亡證

口號 slogans

紀念碑 memorial

平反六四堅持到底 the eternal fight for vindication of the June 4th student movement

candlelight 燭光

The militant artwork or performances leading the way into Victoria Park were eery, morbid and not rated PG-13. After all, why should we feel comfortable if we haven't righted our wrongs? If there was any consolation to the big business and government's unfortunate and "move-on" attitude towards this bloody and sad saga in modern Chinese history, it belonged to the 100 000 plus strong people who overfilled the streets leading to as well as inside Victoria Park.



政治環境 抑或是 環境政治(看官動動腦想一下這兩詞背後的含義吧)。

香港最近在政改方案的討論上有個別聲音(官方、政黨和市民)說爭拗不利香港的民主發展?!?哈,這是人一定是過著與世隔絕living under a rock 的生活。君不見五、一在蒙特利爾的示威,甚至社區人士準備六月份到多倫多反對G8/G20的示威。反對聲音在多元、民主的社會是一個永恆的現象!

1er mai 2010, Montréal from Pat C. on Vimeo.



If it was my home . com,一個用地圖遷移的網站來幫我們理解這環境大災難有多嚴重。)

聽Bloomberg金融新聞節目裡的分析師只顧評論長遠來說BP的股票會怎樣怎樣,真是萬分 匪夷 所思。難道真如if it was my home (如果是我家)網站的諷刺,不是我們家就不管了嗎?是事不關己,己不勞心耶?可是要我們改變舒服的日常生活,用少一點水、電(從而減少對礦物燃料的消耗)等易說難做的事是談何容易。


路邊野花 fleurs sauvages


Les fleurs sauvages dans The Peak, Hong Kong. Elles sonts banales mais néanmoins rafraîchissantes pour ceux qui voient peu de la nature. Cette dernière nous entoure toujours.




另一方面,創作「天安門屠殺浮雕」及「新民主女神像」的六四雕塑藝術家 陳維明來港被拒入境,這已經不是香港政府第一次有這樣的行徑。似乎香港政府和市民再不能對從前澳門拒香港立法局議員或港大法律教授入境嘩然。天下烏鴉一樣黑,兩個特區政府也一樣黑。


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