
騎樓 & urban renewal


"kei lau" are low-rises popular but not limited in Guangdong provinces where the covered walkway underneath shield passers-by from rain and sun while providing a customer-friendly store front on the ground floor. These buildings are rapidly disappearing due to gentrification and (over)developing, be it Canton(Guangzhou) or Hong Kong.

If It Works, Don't Fix It! Actually, if you are the Urban Renewl Authority (of Hong Kong), you should! However, the "fix" should ONLY be helping the existing landlords and tenents, rather than stealing from them and feeding the levelled plots of land to real estate developers. Haven't you heard of Décroissance from the radical Frenchies? Une terre si densément peuplée comme Hong Kong n'a pas besoin de développement. Comment renouveler ou régénérer les structures en voie de veillissement devrait être la priorité. Les gratte-ciel monstrueux qui coupent la circulation de l'air et les réseaux communautaires, NON, ne pas les rajouter SVP.


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