星巴克 Bring your own tumbler
So Starbucks had this Bring Your Own Tumbler day on which you get a free serving of coffee. Like my friend's sister is always on top of freebies we were timely informed. On sipping our coffee at Starbucks that day, I realised that it was a half-assed compaign. because the lack of promotion and advertisement of the offer or people who spend a small fortune equivalent of a Big Mac or local Chinese fastfood meal on a cup of expresso, couldn't care less about this event. We found apart from us bring our own coffe mugs, only one lady was seen arrivng with her tumbler. Bummer! If the company aims to instill a sense of responsibility on its customers, this has been a rough start to a long road ahead.
拗直你 str8en u out
早幾天說狄娜,大家知否她有一個已變性(女變男)的兒子?無聊的我搜索一下後,驚訝地發現香港竟有一個由“前同性戀” 輔導員提供給專業輔導人員的講座。在一些國家已認同同性婚姻和社會運動對跨性別/變性者更關注的時候,香港竟來過大倒退。負責這講座的亞洲專業輔導協會和背後的香港樹仁大學真令我失望。更可笑的亞洲專業輔導協會的網站標明其使命是:
這不禁令我想起二十世紀初美國冷泉港實驗室(Cold Sping Harbor Laboratory)曾經是優生學(Eugenics)的重鎮。優生學是甚麼,想想第二次世界大戰的希特勒和猶太人吧。從優生學到國際一流的生物、醫學實驗室是180度的大轉變。終有一天這些無聊的治療會被廢止,但先必在別的“前衛”社會面前貽笑大方而後榮。唉,這些搞治療的“專家”真羞家!也許這些專家們應先向香港小童群益會取經。
If you need another reason why Hong Kong is not quite an international city, all it takes is a workshop by a counselor with "ex-gay" connection with Exodus International delivering training to in-service and future counselors on the "crisis" of being gay. The sponsor of this workshop, Asian Professional Counselling Association (APCA), has a mission:
to be the leading professional body for counselling in Hong Kong and to be recognized by the public and the government as the definitive association for counsellors practicing in Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific Region.
When country after country are legalising same-sex marriage, and, the social justice movement of LGBT people has been returning the spotlight to the INjustice still plaguing transgender, transvestites, gender non-conforming or the pansexual members of the community, APCA is on the path to raise Hong Kong's status as a laughing-stock for other progressive societies.
Given enough time, these kind of radiculous therapies will be obsolete. My worry is that they will be around to "harm" another generation of LGBTs and counselors as well before subsiding. My 2 cents to the "professionals" - read up on Michel Foucault's Histoire de la sexualité or the cultural construct nature of gender before dispensing nocive advices please! Perhaps it's the APCA and company whom need to be str8en out.
綠色和平 和 雀巢 之戰 Greenpeace dénonce Nestlé
Une campagne de vidéo virale de Greenpeace contre Kit Kat de Nestlé a vraiment pertubé cette dernière et a généré assez de buzz dans des médias variés, même ceux de la Chine continentale et de Taïwan. Néanmois, les journaux ou sites web hongkongais restent plutôt silencieux. Cela vous dit quelques mots de notre progrès (ou le manque de) sur la sensibilisation du public face aux enjeux environmentaux. La ville internationale en Asie doit élargir sa vision encore.
遺失於語言移轉 (三) lost in language transfer (3)
continuing the series on lost in language transfer
the initials DXC definitely represent "da xue cheng" 大學成... but it doesnt really make sense to me as if this is a cram school or cram school for youngsters aiming for majoring in Fine Arts, or? The English and Chinese texts point at different directions with no mention of "arts" in the English text. Hmmm must be the work of a two-headed beast in the PR department of this SME.
繼續 遺失於語言移轉 系列
上大學跟美術有啥關係? 美術的天賦也許不能強逼出來吧。這中英分歧的廣告真令人摸不著頭腦。
環保建築?對社區開放?這是建築師Steven Holl 在介紹 “當代MOMA”(又稱Linked Hybrid)時期中的賣點。這的建築群坐落在北京的東二環和北二環的拐彎點。去年在冰封的十二月我到裏面的電影院時第一次親眼看見它。雖然建築師說是對居民和附近社區開放的中央廣場能凝聚社區氣氛,但個人經驗告訴我事實并不如此。我每次進入廣場往中心的電影院途中皆有警衛問我去哪里。試想想是完全對社區開放的話,幹嘛問我去哪?又如果我穿得像個民工?又如果我外貌不像漢族?你們猜猜結果會怎樣?建築物的外觀是新鮮的,但它是環保或融合社區與否則有待時間的考驗。
Yea, this "當代MOMA" thingy, or Linked Hybrid, according to its architect Steven Holl is supposed to be environmentally friendly and equipped with a plaza that is OPEN to all, not just the residents of the complex. However, during my first séjour at the complex for some film screenings during two frigid winter days in December 2009, I was asked by security guards of my purpose being at the complex. That sure says a lot of the openess claimed by the architect in the description of its project. Yes, the complex won some award from the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat in 2009, but whether it is really environmentally friendly and open to the public remains to be proven in the future. Architectually, having grown up and lived in various cities with numerous skyscrapers, the merely visual stimulation was a breath of fresh air for me.
view at night 晚上一景: