社運電影節: 全球時限
這電影節是我繼去年的歐盟電影節以後最大的收獲。這回看過大概十齣電影,其中最震撼非全球時限莫屬。所有關於社會公義的問題都從鏡頭另一端的訪問提及。不管是特殊教育老師、北非的移民,這些非專業演員在投入他們時光倒流的十九世紀巴黎公社內角色的同時,現實生活的二十世紀裏社會問題還是想影子般的跟我們形影不離 。時限早已過了,起義吧!
The Universal Clock: The Resistance of Peter Watkins by chance when I was attending one of the screenings Hong Kong
While i am not pretending to be Roger Eber, but if you watch only a film per year, this documentary should be the ONE to watch. I 've asked myself how come I 've never heard of it when I was in Canada all those years, especially I was doing NGO and community work. The camera of Geoff Bowie follows the Peter Watkins' filming of the epic La commune (Paris, 1871). The many actors who participated in Watkin's project are just ordinary folks. However, they all have stories to tell.
Resistance? What are we talking about here? The Six-hour long La Commune couldn't fit quite well into the universal clock of the buyers at MIP. For the pleasure of self-discovery, I leave the details for you to find out when you are lucky enough to see the film someday. What are the
ordinary folks resisting? Have la republic, after all those turmoil years and the various constitutional republics (now the fifth republic), rid herself of all the social injustice? The answer is more than obvious, the challenge is to raise awareness and find solutions
Horloge universelle: la résistance de Peter Watkins
comme je suis assez fier d'avoir appris de ce documentaire canadien. La mondialisation accélère l'écart economique et magnifie les problèmes sociaux. Watkins est ambitieux ou peut être suffisamment courageux à lutter les limitations dans notre société actuellement.
De quelles résistances parlant le film? La commercialisation et la standardisation des programmation de TV? Le cri pour la justice par les cocitoyens? La guerre pour l'égalité, peut-elle regrouper des gens universellement? C'est un film incontournable si vous voulez le remue-méninges.
Le Jardin des plantes de Taichung
11 years ago
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