
再見了,牛下 goodbye Ngau Ha

Ngau Tau Kok Lower Eastate, une des HLM plus ancienne à Kowloon, a été mis en fin en novembre 2009, après preque 40 ans de service. Dans une ville où quatre édifices au siege social de la banque HSBC ont été démolies et reconstruites sur le même site pendant moins de 150 ans à cause de manque d'espace, ce point de fermature n'étonne pas les piétons qui passent par là en route à la station MTR. Néanmoins, pour les enfants qui ont grandi là-bas, pour les réfugiés et nouveaux arrivants de la Chine continentale dans les années 60s ou 70s, c'était où ils ont développé et bati 'chez eux'. Le plan de redéveloppement vise à reconstruire des tours plus grandes et plus modernes. Côté des organisateurs communautaires, ils ont commencé leur campagine de sauver les bâtisses nos. 13 et 14, et les convertir au centre communautaire / multi-fonnctionels au lieu d'un grand batîment cher. À noter que ces structures complétés dans les 1960s sont simples et probablement plus écologique que les gratte-ciels neufs! On n'utilisait pas de climatiseur 24 sur 24 au passé modeste! J'espère que le gouvernement les écoute, comme des bureaucrates qui habitent pas dans le quartier connaissent moins que des citoyens.

on prend des photos dans la dernière journée de l'opération. un des restos qui dure tout le long de 40 ans


Ngau Tau Kok Lower Estate, 1969 - 2009. One of the trailbazers of Hong Kong Housing Authority's developments in the ever rapidly changing Hong Kong was sealed off officially on 25 November 2009. The last remaining towers would be torn town for eventual rebirth, taller and better equipped with amenities. Goodbye was sad though, as the local buzzwords "collective memory" resurfaced again as much of our memory was again erased as a result. Community residents are mobilising to save Blocks 13 and 14, which are joined together like the letter T. Their rationale? It will better serve as a memory of the 1960s style of housing as well as providing space for recreation and cultural purposes, instead of building from the ground up again a new, cross district (Kwun Tong-Ngau Tau Kok) cultrual centre. My two cents? I will side with the average citizens advocating this idea as the various government departments handling urban redevelopment and housing projects do not have a throuough understanding of the areas they are trying to 'revitalise'.


巴西三部曲之三 Brazilian trilogy, 3ème partie sur 3

2 Perdidos numa Noite Suja
(Two Lost in a Dirty Night)

Un flim qui pourrait bien faire réflechir des enjeux de santé mentale, d'identité sexuelle et de orientation sexuelle. Mais 2 Perdidos numa Noite Suja. La violence, le manque de sécurité d'être sans abri, sans revenue et sans papiers mélagent un cocktail de disastre pour nos protagonistes. À survive dans la Big Apple ne serait pas facile.


Sometimes films don't have to carry labels to excel in categories that they would not have been pigeon boxed into. 2 Perdidos numa Noite Suja is one good example. Two Brazilians who crossed paths in New York City, at some points using, relying on, threatening, loving, hating, abandonning one another, weaved the story of a middle age man whose expatriate and immigrant "dream" came and escaped, and a sometimes schizophenic if not bipolar youngster's life on the streets of New York selling "its" body. "Its" attributing to the fact that the character flips gender roles as if we are changing clothes on a daily basis. It does provide a lot of food for thought in this multi-layered chronicle of life in the NYC. The two extremes love-hate, on-and-off and symbiotic versus betrayal interactions of the two protagonists will sure make you appreciate the skillfulness of the storyteller.


梁醒波和沈殿霞 Bo Shok and Fei Fei




Leung Sing Bo and Lydia Sum were icons in Hong Kong movies and television for decades, and were the pillars of EYT, a programme that aired five nights a week, like an intense version of SNL. My visits to two exhibitions paying tibute to them brought back memories from my childhood. The influence of TVB in Hong Kong was more omnipresent than the TV-fixated Americans as described by Neil Postman in Amusing Ourselves to Death.


Brazilian trilogy, 2ème partie sur 3 巴西三部曲之二

Une ami m'a dit que la culture brasilienne est tellement sexualisée. Je suis assez certain qu'elle n'a pas vu le film 'Cidade Baixa (Lower City)'. La convergence de son opinion et l'impression que j'ai enlevée de ce montage propagone la perception que je tiens. Deux gars dans leur début vingtaine et une fille a,vec elle la rélation sexuelle et amoureuse touche ces trois personnages principles. Les forces d'amitié, de passion, d'amour, de jalousie et de violence se battent et déterminent leur destin alterné. Comme j'ai commenté sur des films colombiens, les Chinois, nous n'avons pas encore le courage à montrer des films si intense sur les sujets si controversés au milieu des festivals de film chinois.

有性,有愛,有情,有恨,哇,還以為是從紐約的Telemundo有線電視台的肥皂劇。不!'Cidade Baixa (Lower City)'是巴西一部很激情的電影。跟我從前寫過的哥倫比亞電影一般,中國人還沒有那麼量大的能把這樣具爭議性的電影拿來放到電影節裏放映。







奧巴馬 對 歐巴馬 Obama, lost in translation?

Obama visits China for the first time, and a few days before his visited, Chinese newspaper reported the American Embassy's official tranlsation of Obama would switch from 巴馬 to 巴馬, the former currently in use in mainland China and Hong Kong SAR, the latter in Taiwan. While neither is a perfectionist 100% transliteration of the non-English origin of the alphabets "Obama", it will be interesting to observe if this small linguistic "fine-tuning" would evolve into subtitle political arm twisting.


驕傲做自己.同志愛出來 Be Proud Be Yourself

驕傲做自己.同志愛出來 Be Proud Be Yourself

C'était le slogan bilingue pour la deuxième parade de la fierté lesbienne, gai, bisexuel(le) et transgendre à Hong Kong. Le défilé hongkongais est petit par rapport à celui de Taipei, sans même parler de ceux de Montréal, Toronto ou New York. Néanmoins, pour une ville qui proclaime toujours 'la ville internationale en Asie', un événement nourrit un étape miniscule mais incontourable pour le mouvement social local.


With many groups from Hong Kong joining the march, which otherwise could be seen as an act of parachuting, the 2nd Hong Kong pride parade was festive and boisterous. For a city with modern external hardware and structures, but rotten, twisted, obscure, hypocritical internal ethical values, this was a hesitant, second baby step. Don't expect any great leap forward soon, but the LGBT HongKongers and their allies deserve a pat on their backs, don't you think?


see and be seen

on Halloween in Lan Kwai Fong, Hong Kong.

I was there earlier for some documentary screening, which was related to disappearing neighbourhoods. How ironic that is, given

1) the gentrification of Central with more bars and restaurants for the high earners, and the party goers and the wannabies on October 31.
2) we watched the film on the street in front of a local Urban Renewal Authority office.

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