
sanguinolent metaphor

I really dunno what the photographer, designer, advertising agent etc. were thinking when they created this billboard ad, seen in Central, Hong Kong. The first thing, and still to this day remains the ONLY dominating metaphor I could think of is blood splashing out of the guy's chest! Yikes, not something you would associate with an art gallery, eh? Would you really? Or am I just a little bit haywired with my pensée? No, to answer the questions you did not even ask: I don't like the NRA and the average person's safety in the US of A is jeopardised as a result of theirs and other related lobbies. I standby the bloody first impression I got of this advertisement.

To view the original resolution.

1 comment:

KEVIN said...

See the flash. It is like blood gashing out of the chest. Although I don't particularly like this ad, I have no problem with blood and other disturbing themes in art. After all, Opera is art gallery, not a fashion brand.

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