It is simply me randomly mumbling gobbledygook ;-)
只是我在這裏東拉西扯一番 :-D
C'est moi barvader ici ;-P
29 Nov 2008 Beijing 北京 王庄路 派对 party
I went to this funky party last Saturday in a warehouse on 王庄路 Wang Zhuang Lu in Beijing's WuDaoKou district, a primarily university district. The warehouse seems to be a 武术学校 (school of Wushu) during the day. 在这个派对里遇上一些法国人,其中还有几个华裔的法国人。他们大部分都是学生,有一些是来北京学汉语的,另外一些则是MBA的交换生。这又是一个外国人对中国越来越感兴趣的例子。 Alors cette soirée me démontrait que ma théorie reste correcte - je peux améliorer mon français bien que j'habite à Pékin, grâce aux francophones qui s'installent ici, temporairement ou à long terme. There were DJs playing music, graffiti artists spray-painting the wall, people busying barbequing, eating and drinking. Interestingly, I dunno if I were the only one noticing, a few mingong not associated with the party actually sneeked in and out of the premise a few times. Things happened at these kidna evnets you know. The bottom line was everyone had a hell of a good time without any ruckus!
中國人 Chinese 香港人 Montrealer montréalais HongKonger 華裔加拿大人 canadien.
but principal: être flotteur extraordinaire avec beaucoup d'argent hahaha!
I am NOT proud to say I've finally signed up on Facebook, one of the time wasting social media blackholes. My share of social networking accounts: flickr, youtube, meetup, bla bla bla. They bring you people "de quatre coins du monde"... parfois étrange hahaha!
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