垃圾搜尋比較正確。一般人以為是貧窮的人才搜尋垃圾,但在一些發達國家裏一些對環保或主流消費經濟不滿的人也有參與。我在蒙特利爾(滿地可)的時候差不多參加了,可惜是自己最後膽子小沒有去。這陣子回到中國來,一個發展中國家,情況又是怎樣呢?富貧差異很大的城市如北京,我看見家樂福晚上扔掉的水果、蔬菜和麵包已可以餵飽很多人了。香港在2003年沙士(SARS)後不是聽說過有人食“二手飯”嗎? 如果服務型行業能把過剩的食品送給慈善機構或有需要的人就好了。航空公司的頭等和商務客位的候機室提供的免費自坐餐就是一個好例子。
http://skippingwaste.trashwiki.org/(photo credit: andy54321)
Dumpster diving, a kinda hardcore environmental activity, or it could be a frugal, economical or conserving activity, depending on your state of mind and priority. Anyway, I ALMOST tried it when I was in Montreal and was introduced to the term by some radical, non-mainstream anachists cum envrionmentalists. For whatever reason I chickened out at the last minute. Perhaps I was afraid of getting my clothes dirty, yea right, a lame excuse ;-). What does it mean to you if enough people, young people especially, are dumpster diving in developed countries? Would it worry you because these young people are not having a stable income? Or, they might just be very creative and bold in terms of thinking outside the box in pursuing "shocking" or unconventional envrionmental activites? Would there be a more "
hygenic" way to "
recycle" or redistribute the food to people in need, given there is still a part of me worrying about food poisoning for those who dumpster dive? Click the link above for an interesting video documenting dumpster diving in action in the Netherlands and France. They even have a cheerful "
dumpster dive" song to go with it!
Dumpster Diving, un terme qui n'a pas d'équivalence encore à l'heure actuelle. Il décrit les gens qui
récupèrent de la nourriture et d'autres choses utiles qui ont été jetées dans la poubelle. J'avais presque eu une occasion à l'essayer mais je ne l'ai pas expérimenté encore. Qu'en pensez-vous? Est-ce que c'est trise si les jeunes doivent
dumpster dive à survivre? Ou ils nous montrent un modèle de vie alternative, écologique et durable? Et la saleté vous dérange? Il y a quand même une chanson dans la vidéo, cliquez le lien au-dessus pour la visionner.